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PADI at AERA 2005
Two symposiums at AERA 2005 were devoted to PADI-related work.

Symposium 1. Designing Evidence Centered Assessments of Science Inquiry: Examples from BioKIDS, FOSS, GLOBE

In this symposium, we addressed these challenges through the use of new assessment tools and applications developed by the PADI project. These technology-based tools provide supports for the design of evidence-centered assessments in science inquiry and were illustrated using examples from three of the nation's most visible inquiry-based curricula--BioKIDS, FOSS and GLOBE.

  1. Overview of the PADI Design System (Mislevy) [paper] [slides]
  2. The Design, Measurements, and Modeling of Complex Tasks and Students' Reasoning with PADI (Songer) [paper] [slides]
  3. FOSS: Using PADI to Develop an Online Self-Assessment System that Supports Student Science Learning (Timms) [paper] [slides]
  4. GLOBE: Using PADI Templates as an Alternative Structure for Specifying GLOBE Investigation Strategies (DeBarger) [paper] [slides]
  5. A Wizard to Create Task Templates in the PADI Design System (Hamel) [paper] [slides]
  6. Using PADI Design Patterns and Task Templates to Examine the Features of NAEP and TIMSS Science Items (Haynie) [paper] [slides]
Symposium 2. New Tools and Techniques for Assessing Scientific Inquiry

This symposium highlighted key technical developments of the project including the layers and objects used in the PADI design system to manage repositories of complex assessment tasks, the epistemic forms and games used when working with the design system, software tools we are developing to facilitate the design and development of assessment tasks, and "plug and play" software to implement a number of psychometric models for interpreting assessment data.

  1. Overview of the PADI Design System (Mislevy) [paper] [slides]
  2. On Layers and Objects in Assessment Design (Mislevy/Riconscente) [paper] [slides]
  3. The PADI Design System as a Complex of Epistemic Games and Forms (Brecht) [paper] [slides]
  4. Gradebook (Hamel) [slides]
  5. Models and Tools for Drawing Inferences from Student Work (Kennedy) [paper] [slides]
  6. Detecting Local Item Dependence (Bao) [paper] [slides]
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