What is PADI?
The PADI project aims to provide a
practical, theory-based approach to developing quality assessments
of science inquiry by combining developments in cognitive
psychology and research on science inquiry with advances in
measurement theory and technology.
(Learn more)
of Expertise
PADI brings together research expertise from five outstanding
educational organizations: SRI International, the University
of Maryland, The University of California Berkeley, Lawrence
Hall of Science, and the University of Michigan.
(Learn more)
PADI is supported by the Interagency Educational Research Initiative (IERI)
under grants REC-0089122 (PADI Planning Grant) and REC-0129331
(PADI Implementation Grant).
Design Patterns for AERA Division D Symposium Submission
Evidence-Centered Design We are developing in PADI a special case
implementation of the evidence-centered
assessment design (ECD) framework developed at Educational
Testing Service by Mislevy, Steinberg, and Almond. The ECD
framework explicates the interrelationships among substantive
arguments, assessment designs, and operational processes.
The specialization for PADI
includes providing higher-level schemas that build in national
science standards (ETSs ECD is content-free), limiting
statistical models
to a family developed by Wilson and his colleagues, and providing
supporting software tools for creating assessment designs
within this framework.